We’ve helped dozens of businesses set up their online stores.
Here some examples of customers we’ve helped set up an eCommerce solution. Click on any image to zoom in and see the full page design.
eCommerce Examples
Flexible Online Store eCommerce Infrastructure
An eCommerce website has a lot of responsibility; it needs to be able to do everything an actual brick and mortar shop does. Shelves need to be stocked, customers need to be able to find what they’re looking for, checking out needs to be painless and clear-cut. So we have developed a relationship with an extremely flexible eCommerce solutions tool, and our clients are experiencing excellent results.
For some customers we’ve implemented a system where we add their products into the system, but do not allow online sales, this enables them to later enable online sales if they choose to do that at a later time.
We have also developed a special tool in our studio that allows customers with a large variety of inventory to upload a spreadsheet with all of their products to make the conversion to an online shop a quick and painless process.
Donations and Customizable Options
Allow regular products with variations as needed (colors, sizes etc), donations, even variable / custom amount purchases when needed.
There’s no limit on product images, details and specs or anything else that each product needs.
Payment Gateway
You’ll have full flexibility over payment gateway, which can be set up with square, stripe, paypal, authorize.net (direct credit card transactions), or even options for customers to pay by check or receive an invoice if you prefer.
Shipping and Taxes
Shipping can be set up with UPS, USPS, FedEx or any combination of options you like.
What’s included?
- Shop / Product Listing Page developed and designed based on your layout preferences and website aesthetic
- As many product categories as you need to organize your online store
- Homepage call to action component to drive traffic to visit Shop or Featured Products
- Product Detail Page
- Cart Page
- Some eCommerce stores allow user registration which includes login utility menu, registered user experience, forgot password, account dashboard for example
- Checkout
- Payment Gateway integration – Credit Card, Authorize.net, Stripe, Square, Paypal
- Shipping integration – USPS, UPS, FedEx – some of these services require weights and dimensions on all products
- Order verification and platform training for order fulfillment team
- Customer registration / login experience available as an add-on
eCommerce Integration Add-On
Into your existing WordPress website-
Products imported via a spreadsheet or we'll manually input up to 50 items in up to 10 categories
Storefront Page, Product Categories, Product Detail Layouts
Cart, Checkout, Order Emails
Frequently asked questions
Some website changes need more time to be either designed or developed. If you need a whole new section or complex functionality, contact us for a quote and we can give you an estimate of how many work-sessions it would take.
Since we’re going through changes together, it’s a good idea to come up with a quick punch-list of what you hope to get done, and we can talk about what we can do quickly – such as minor adjustments, color changes, etc, and what might be worth doing separately. If we try to fix something and aren’t making good progress after 10 or 15 minutes, we’ll likely suggest a different plan to solve the issue.
This is surprisingly uncommon as with over 10 years of experience, a lot of things can be solved without having to dig too deep.

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