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My Website Is Live…Now What?
So you’ve built your dream website- you’ve got great design, clean well-written code, and killer content. But your journey shouldn’t end there. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) paves the way to getting the most traffic and therefore the better the return on your investment.
Writing Articles for Your Website
We also recommend businesses write articles related to their area of expertise, at least once a month if possible. This is a great way to hone in on your niche within your industry. News updates are not only great for generating search engine attention, but also for lending your brand a certain of authority within your industry.
If people know you’re hip to the latest trends, they will revisit your site to see what’s new in your world. More hits means better search ranking, better rankings means more visibility. Think of it like having a billboard on the side of the highway that starts small, but keeps growing and growing….
Keywords for Your Content
When writing a post, update, article on your site, consider thinking first about what you want to say, and what “keywords” people might be searching for that relate to the content you are about to author. A keyword is still the term used for a particular “key phrase”.
One of the big SEO tricks is to plan on having just one or two particular key phrases that you work into the written content of your webpage. It’s ok if one or two words exist in both phrases.
One thing to keep in mind while authoring content is what’s called keyword density. Google states that any article or page that’s content contains more than 2% keyword density will be regarded as spam, however other top search engines such as yahoo and MSN allow up to 5% density of a given keyword. This means that no more than perhaps 2 or 3% of the written content on any particular page should contain the keyword you choose.
If you really want to hone in on the best keyword for your content, you can use google’s keyword tool. It can be a bit overwhelming to get familiar with, but the game is to enter a roughly appropriate keyword (or key phrase) and the tool will spit out all related search terms. While reviewing the results, Google will show you how many times each keyword was searched in the last 30 days, and how much “competition” there is on the web for each keyword. What you want is the keywords with the highest search volume, and the lowest competition.
Working with Images in Your Content
The advice we usually pass off to our clients when putting images into the content, is to fill in a well thought out “title” and “alt” tag for each image.
It can feel like a chore, since finding the perfect images for your webpage takes time and searching, but taking the extra minute to write a title that’s accurate and may contain keywords you anticipate searchers are using can make a big difference than just dropping onto the page the perfect picture which just happens to be called DSC_0008138.jpg.
The “alt” tag is what search engines read in order to know “what” the image is that they “looking at”. The “title” tag is what appears in a small pop-up text when a user hovers over an image.
Stellar SEO
The content management system (CMS) we install for all our clients comes complete with a full-featured SEO toolkit. It offers a space to enter one keyword of your choice for any given page or article on the page-editing screen. Once the page or article is saved the SEO tool will show you your keyword density, as well as what content on the page is successfully representing your keyword choice. The “headers”, the content, and images should all be representing what you want people to find.
We offer SEO services to help get websites the most traffic possible. Feel free to give us a call at 978-710-8317 if you have any questions.