Account Details: NPA Non-Profit Alliance

Monday, May 13, 2024

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

  • + Updated to PHP 8.3
  • + Fixed broken ACF Fields after plugin update
  • + Optimized images for faster loading
  • + Scanned and verified website is malware-free
  • + Backed up database & full website before update
  • + Updated WordPress to 6.4.3
  • + Updated all plugins
  • + Backed up theme & database after upgrade
  • + Your site is using 798 MB out of 3 GB of disk space

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

  • + Analytics report can be viewed here:
  • + Scanned and verified website is malware-free
  • + Backed up database & full website before update
  • + Updated WordPress to 6.4.2
  • + Updated all plugins, WPUF plugins are not updated due to a conflict with the latest version. This will be fixed once the plugin developer fixes this problem, or we find an alternate solution in using another plugin
  • + Backed up theme & database after upgrade
  • + Your site is using 795 MB out of 3 GB of disk space

Thursday, July 27, 2023

  • + The new GA4 Analytics Reports can be viewed at this link
  • + Fixed fatal error on two Committee templates
  • + Optimized images for faster loading
  • + Scanned and verified website is malware-free
  • + Backed up database & full website before update
  • + Updated WordPress to 6.2.2
  • + Updated all plugins
  • + Backed up theme & database after upgrade
  • + Your site is using 741 MB out of 3 GB of disk space

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

  • + Updated to PHP 8.0
  • + Optimized images for faster loading
  • + Scanned and verified website is malware-free
  • + Backed up database & full website before update
  • + Updated to WordPress 6.2
  • + Updated all plugins
  • + Backed up theme & database after upgrade
  • + Your site is using 714MB out of 3GB of disk space

Monday, December 5, 2022

  • + Updated to PHP 7.4
  • + Set up monthly Analytics Report
  • + Optimized images for faster loading
  • + Scanned and verified website is malware-free
  • + Backed up database & full website before update
  • + Updated to WordPress 6.1.1
  • + Updated all plugins
  • + Backed up theme & database after upgrade
  • + Your site is using 673 MB out of 3 GB of disk space

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

  • + Optimize images for faster loading
  • + Scan and verify website is malware-free
  • + Back up database & full website before update
  • + Update to WordPress 6.0
  • + Update all plugins
  • + Back up theme & database after upgrade
  • + Your site is using 659 MB out of 2 GB of disk space

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

  • + Tested subscriber login experience to ensure they only have access to designated areas
  • + Optimize images for faster loading
  • + Scan and verify website is malware-free
  • + Back up database & full website before update
  • + Update to WordPress 5.9.2
  • + Update all plugins
  • + Back up theme & database after upgrade
  • + Your site is using 475 MB out of 1 GB of disk space

Thursday, December 23, 2021

  • + Added site to UptimeRobot, a monitoring system that checks every 5 minutes and alerts us immediately if the site is down. Decreasing amount of potential downtime if a site has a problem
  • + Tested subscriber login experience to ensure redirection working properly
  • + Optimize images for faster loading
  • + Scan and verify website is malware-free
  • + Back up database & full website before update
  • + Update to WordPress 5.8.2
  • + Update all plugins
  • + Back up theme & database after upgrade
  • + Your site is using 507 MB out of 1 GB of disk space

Monday, September 20, 2021

  • + Set up monthly Analytics Report
  • + Tested user login experience
  • + Optimized images for faster loading
  • + Scanned and verified website is malware-free
  • + Backed up database & full website before update
  • + Updated to WordPress 5.8.1
  • + Updated all plugins
  • + Backed up theme & database after upgrade
  • + Your site is using 499 MB of disk space

Thursday, June 10, 2021

  • + Optimized images for faster loading
  • + Scanned and verified website is malware-free
  • + Backed up database & full website before update
  • + Updated to WordPress 5.7.2
  • + Updated all plugins
  • + Backed up theme & database after upgrade
  • + Your site is using 421 MB of disk space

Friday, March 5, 2021

  • + Cleaned up theme code to improve compatibility and help to avoid potential plugin conflicts
  • + Removed obsolete code and deprecated internet explorer instructions
  • + Improved database usage by limiting revisions to 6
  • + Updated search result snippet title and meta description displayed when performing Google or Bing search
  • + Optimized images for faster loading
  • + Tested Subscriber user role login
  • + Scanned and verified website is malware-free
  • + Backed up database & full website before update
  • + Updated to WordPress 5.6.2
  • + Updated all plugins
  • + Backed up theme & database after upgrade
  • + Your site is using 395 MB of disk space

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

  • + Your site is using 414 MB of disk space
  • + Replaced deprecated Toolset Types plugin with CPT UI plugin
  • + Set up monthly Analytics Report
  • + Set up fallback for Post SMTP
  • + Renamed Post SMTP admin menu item to Emails and moved under Forms
  • + Optimized images for faster loading
  • + Sent test form submission
  • + Scanned and verified website is malware-free
  • + Backed up database & full website before update
  • + Updated to WordPress 5.6
  • + Updated all plugins
  • + Backed up theme & database after upgrade

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

  • + Re-authenticated the Google email sending tool, Postman SMTP
  • + Tested Gravity Forms submission
  • + Your site is using 637 MB out of 3 GB of disk space
  • + Tested Theme My Login user profiles
  • + Optimized images for faster loading
  • + Scanned and verified website is malware-free
  • + Updated to WordPress 5.5
  • + Backed up database & full website before update
  • + Updated all plugins
  • + Backed up theme & database after upgrade

Friday, May 22, 2020

  • + Mobile menu fix to be able to scroll with longer drop-down menus
  • + You are using 604 MB out of 1 GB of disk space
  • + Scanned and verified website is free of any traceable malware
  • + Tested User roles profiles
  • + Updated to WordPress 5.4.1
  • + Optimized images for faster loading
  • + Backed up database & full website before update
  • + Updated all plugins
  • + Backed up theme & database after upgrade

Friday, February 28, 2020

  • + Backed up database & full website before update
  • + Updated to WordPress 5.3.2
  • + Updated all plugins
  • + Checked website for Malware
  • + Did full maintenance checklist
  • + Backed up theme & database after upgrade
  • + Optimized images for faster loading
  • + Fixed label text line-height on mailing list form
  • + Activated Akismet AntiSpam plugin and ReCaptcha plugin on Contact form for reduced spam